Though my kids choose to be involved most of the year,
early spring is an especially active time for local theater – both within the
schools and with the community groups. Audition dates are penciled in and
choices are ranked based on musical vs. non-musical, what group is producing,
scheduling conflicts and the all-important – which friends are doing which
shows – duh.
But wait…my youngest son is about to start a s-s-s-sport?
This is new - a true first for us. (Pretty sure that ski club doesn’t count.) This
will be good. Right? My hope is that he will benefit from things like routine
physical activity, sportsmanship, dealing with competition and possible failure
and hopefully - since he has been raised primarily by women - a hint of guy
bonding that doesn’t revolve around an Xbox. We realized that he probably
shouldn’t audition for a local production of Oliver. He is already part of his
middle schools play so adding yet another rehearsal schedule to a volleyball
schedule wouldn’t be prudent. Really? What 12 year old boy doesn’t want to be
in Oliver? Well - mine apparently.
I have been pondering this change to our family dynamic
for a few weeks now and I have come to some conclusions. Theater and sports are
not all that different. Both require hard work, a certain level of commitment,
the ability to understand your strengths and weaknesses and accept your best
place on the “team”. The last part became abundantly clear after a recent round
of auditions. My younger daughter auditioned for said Oliver. For the first
time ever, she became very attached to one particular role. She focused her all
of energies and all of her hopes on landing this one role. As she conversed
continuously in a Cockney accent, I watched with some trepidation as her hopes
rose higher and higher. I felt that she had a shot at it but so did many
I tried to caution her about her expectations. It was one
of those classic parental dilemmas. How do you inject some a possible reality
without shaking your child’s confidence? Why do we, as parents, do this?
Because we know we absolutely do NOT want to handle a possibly heartbreaking
negative outcome. (Just to tie in the sports theme here, let me admit to Monday
morning quarterbacking this insight.) According to her, auditions went well and
we settled into the waiting mode. Teenage texts flew back and forth and
practicing for the next auditions intensified. Then… the cast list came out…
early. We were not prepared. (That’s me pretending preparedness.) Damn instant,
social media! We had just settled into a Redbox when I noticed the posting.
up.” I said.
Wait. Don’t tell me.”
not gonna look yet.”
you look, don’t tell me.”
Wait. You don’t look either. “
gonna look.”
will say something or text me so I better look.” she said.
looked at the same time. I try not to look at her because she hates that. I
hear quiet sniffling. She didn’t get it. I continue to read. Her name is listed
further down for a bit – but named – speaking part.
My greatest hope is that we are thinking the same thing –
if she hadn’t so set her sights on that one role – she would be thrilled with
the part she did get. I hope that she is thinking that the girl that did get
the role is an excellent choice. The recipient is talented, one year older, has
worked hard at theater and has always been a “team” player. If I was allowed to
speak – which I somehow know I am not – I would ask her if she wants a hug.
Sometimes words don’t work with a smart kid. Stating the obvious or other
platitudes won’t make her feel any better. So we sit and pretend to watch Men
in Black III knowing that we are going to need to re-rent it.
I am guessing that this is how parents of sport kids feel
when your kid’s team loses - not because your kid played poorly but because the
other team played better that day. Sometimes we just have to watch as our kids
suffer losses knowing that, while it is killing us and making us feel inept as
parents – we are making them stronger people.
Another theater mom recently asked me if I had any
insight in to the most recent auditions since I was there. Her daughter was
hurt by the abrupt dismissal of the kids that the director & music director
did not wish to hear sing again. She said that her daughter was considering not
doing the drama club anymore because she felt overlooked. First thing I disclaimed
was any involvement in the casting on my part. I show up to hand out forms and
attempt to quiet excited high schoolers – then I come in to paint sets. Casting
is not my thing. The second thing I tried to explain was that two nights of
auditions were being packed into one night due to an early snow dismissal and
the availability of our hired music director. Things had to move right along. I
did feel a little complicit as my daughter was one that was “called back” to
re-sing so I went on to try and express how many of the kids that tended to get
roles were the kids who have put the time into theater. My daughter did six
shows last year, with four different groups. Sometimes she had an actual part –
many times she was part of an ensemble. Each show was an opportunity to get
better at what she loves to do. My friend’s daughter is a sweet voiced,
cheerful kid – one of my favorites - but generally only does the school shows.
I haven’t heard back from her yet.
Hey - I might be okay with this whole s-s-s-sports twist.
There is quite a bit of crossover. I have even seen heat exhaustion, pulled
muscles and broken noses happen in theater. Though I am sure that it will raise
many other interesting quandaries like - what does one wear to a middle school
volleyball game?