Riley's lastest assemblage installation is...installed. Actually, it's on the fireplace mantle right now but that's only until the nutcracker collection displaces it - AFTER Thanksgiving - when all self-respecting Christmas decorations are displayed - not before. (But that issue is for another blog entry.)
The newest tool in Riley's creative bag of tricks is a hot glue gun. Thanks Mrs.P. Having constructed a popsicle stick and hot glue long house in the classroom - he is an expert hot gluer. (glueist?) As with many things with Riley; what is mine is his and that's the way of my hot glue gun. His former, frequent use of Christmas lights is still in play but to a lesser degree. I expect that might change when the holiday decoration totes are brought up from the basement and he is faced, once again, with a tangled ball of nirvana at his feet. But until then, please enjoy his latest table top creations.